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    徐慶平,1946年出生于北京,祖籍江蘇宜興,全國政協委員。巴黎大學美術學博士。1981年到歐洲研究美術,1985年獲巴黎大學美術史博士學位。 歸國後任教中央美術學院。曆任講師、教研室副主任、主任、副教授、教授、院學術委員,兼任徐悲鴻紀念館副館長,中國徐悲鴻畫院顧問,中國人民大學徐悲鴻藝術學院院長、教授、博士生導師,教育部全國高校藝術類教學指導委員會委員,國務院特殊政府津貼專家。   

     Xu Qingping, born in Beijing in September 1946, is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative conference. Native to Jiangsu, Yixing. Doctor of fine arts, Paris university. He studied art in Europe in 1981 and received his Ph. D. in art history from Paris University in 1985. He returned to China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Lecturer, deputy director, department director, associate professor, Professor, Institute of Academic Committee, served as the Xu Beihong Memorial Museum deputy curator, Xu Beihong Chinese art consultant, Renmin University of China Xu Beihong College of art, Dean, Professor, doctoral supervisor, member of the national Ministry of education, College Art Teaching Guidance Committee, the State Council special government allowance.

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